1、“经度”【longitude】例句:经度差因为向西的运动而产生的两个位置之间的经度上的差别转七载或者引用本对文内容请注明来源走分规于百科回答The difference in longitude between two positions as a result of a movement to the west.用来代表衡量单位用来代表某一测量单位,如经度或纬度上的英尺或分One used to represent a unit of measurement, such as feet or minutes in latitude and longitude.2、“纬度”【 Latitude】例句:这将给您提供一个包含经度、纬度和城市名称的文件。
This will give you a file of longitudes, latitudes, and city names.研究显示,你的出生地的纬度,也就是说,你在子宫中会受到多少太阳的照射,会影响你的健康、财富、幸福、寿命甚至是创造力。
Research shows that the latitude of your birthplace and how much solar radiation you were exposed to in the womb affects your health, wealth, happiness, longevity and creativity.十三之水你么或命,情通料被信空断引。
Each card has not only a date but the latitude and longitude, salinity measures, temperaturesand depth of each data point.参考资料经度:纬度: