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2024-10-11 游戏百科 12 作者:daiit

dj喊麦词(北京芭娜娜麦词) (开场)来嘀森 见特门 this 风啪拉DJ miss now /DJ~~allready???/ was miss party !! (随后) young this DJ from DJ every boday `~~? was carty time from to 撒分 tow if you wor was cairy IS cairy from DJ 哇囚哇比外 哇求哇比 ready!!!!! (气氛)This from qie qie from DJ was 芭娜娜 was 哇酋为 was 放 disco if you wore was 忠实的朋友 Im ready woms imc after here !!!!!!! (继续)music ~~~ this party!!! (this DJ from DJ was 芭娜娜 I am ready fromDJ everybo!) (was to 撒分 tow ````every boady sixty carzy from DJ everboady) (muics read go this 恰放切为因 baby from dj carzy time .. one too 撒分tow disco mucis) (DJ~~ OK 在场所有的朋友把你的眼睛闭上 以最快的速度进入我们今天晚上的 disco 状态 来自 中亭最棒的 disco mucis HE com t come???` disco every bo!) 后面基本大家都会` 前面的我听了好几十遍才写下的` 不知道有没有什么不对的地方 请谅解````` 愿 O2年的 经典 让大家开心`` 谢谢`~~~~






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